The Research Project
Are you seeing clients using ACT or Mindfulness-based interventions?
Clinical psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people to participate in a project developing an online service that uses a new scale (the MPFI; Rolffs, Rogge, & Wilson, 2016) to generate multidimensional psychological flexibility & inflexibility profiles for clients.
The MindFlex Assessment Project:
- Is CONFIDENTIAL (your individual responses will not be shared)
- Involves completing SHORT ONLINE FORMS
- Takes you 5-10min to enroll as a therapist
- Takes you 2-5min to enroll each client
- Takes clients 15-20min to complete each assessment
- MINDFLEX BASELINE PROFILES: Generates profiles for therapists, tracking client functioning on 21 dimensions
- 6 dimensions of psychological flexibility
- 6 dimensions of psychological inflexibility
- 3 dimensions of global distress
- Global inflexibility
- Depressive symptoms
- Anxiety symptoms
- 6 dimensions of well-being
- Composite flexibility
- Vitality
- Life satisfaction
- Sense of own competency
- Sense of connection to others
- Sense of autonomy in own life
- Includes an optional follow-up assessments
- As often as each therapist finds useful
- Clients & therapists automatically invited after 2 months
- Takes you 2-5min to complete a request form for a client
- Takes clients 15-20min to complete a follow-up assessment
- MINDFLEX CHANGE PROFILES: Generates new profiles for therapists
- Showing current levels of functioning on same 21 dimensions
- Tracking clinically meaningful change
The First Step Starts with a Click
If you are interested in finding out more about the project and potentially enrolling as one of our therapists, simply click this button to get started.